Sunday, November 24, 2019


Dear readers and all,
The owner of the blog page: Adebowale D. Afolabi has gained admission for International ,Masters in Magement in Audencia Management school at Nantes in France.
And he hereby use this opportunity to seek for help and sponsorship in  funding his tuition fees which come to about 17000 Euros.

The Account details are as follows:

Acount name: JBC BLOG & NETWORK
Account Number: 0477513509

Whatsapp: +2347030500449. Contact to see the Admission contract for certainty.

We will really appreciate all your helps, donations and any form of advice.

Attached this write up is and a letter from the school:

"On behalf of Audencia Business School, it is my pleasure to offer you admission. You have proved to be one of the most talented and promising students in a competitive application process, and we congratulate you for that.

We truly believe that we can bring a strong edge to your career. At Audencia you will have the opportunity to join kindred spirits: scholars, builders, entrepreneurs and humanitarians, working in a multicultural and multilingual environment that will help you grow as a professional and as a person.

Over the period of time until the beginning of the courses, we will continue to be in contact through our International Relations team. This will be a crucial stage during which we will assist you with practical matters.

Here are the steps to take in order to confirm your registration:

1)  Please enter your online application ( and download the Enrollment Contract from the "Documents" tab. Sign the Enrollment Contract, put your initials on each page and send back one copy of the entire contract within two weeks of reception of this e-mail, by e-mail to:
Important: make sure your scanned copy sent as an attachment is under 8 Mo (8 MB), or we will not receive it. If it is over 8Mo, you can send it via Wetransfer:

2)  Transfer the EUR 1500 registration fee within two weeks of reception of this e-mail. You may use bank transfer (find Audencia’s bank details in the contract) or Visa or Mastercard through your online application (through the "Materials submission" tab).
Important: if you pay your fee by bank transfer, please make sure to mention your complete name and date of birth or applicant number as purpose of wire transfer/emittance information.

Once you have completed these two steps, you will be officially enrolled in the programme and we will send you your official registration letter and put you in contact with our Incoming Student Coordinator for practical matters.

Once again, congratulations and thank you for choosing Audencia Business School.  We are looking forward to having you among us.

Best regards,

Department of International Affairs

Audencia Business School
Tel: +33 (0) 240 37 34 34 | Fax: +33 (0) 240 37 34 07"

Thank you all in advance.

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