Thursday, May 14, 2020

Health Officer at Action Against Hunger

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Action Against Hunger is the world’s hunger specialist and leader in a global movement that aims to end life-threatening hunger for good within our lifetimes. For 40 years, the humanitarian and development organization has been on the front lines, treating and preventing hunger across nearly 50 countries. It served more than 21 million people in 2018 alone.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Health Officer
Location: Damasak, Borno
Job Type: Full Time
Department: Programmes - Health and Nutrition
Level: Mid Level
Start date: As Soon As Possible
Direct Line Manager: Sector Manager: Health and Nutrition
Objective 1
  • Health situation monitoring and mapping of health sector activities.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
  • Diagnosis  and Mapping:
    • Update and maintain 5W/4W mapping (Health, and Nutrition sector) tool regularly for the operational LGA; share with the Sector Health Manager.
    • Update tracking tool to monitor program screening based data on acute malnutrition; collect health facility-based disease surveillance reports and update morbidity reporting tool for assigned health facilities/LGAs.
    • Participate in conducting SMART/Rapid SMART surveys with technical support from Deputy HN Manager/Sector Manager.
    • Participate with the M&E team in supervision of data collection for Nutrition KAP surveys; Baseline and End line Surveys.
    • Liaise with Community Mobilization Officers/Assistants and HSS officers for accessing community care group database; health facility database regularly and updating overall health facility-based activities.
    • Conduct a periodic capacity assessment of health workers on CMAM services delivery, IMCI service delivery, Reproductive health service delivery, vaccination, etc. and review the training needs and/or coaching needs.  
Objective 2
  • Regular monitoring and supervision of facility-based health service delivery to ensure that services are provided with recommended national technical standards.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
  • Develop monthly monitoring and supervision plan for the LGA and share with the Nutrition and Health Sector Manager (NHSM).
  • Ensure that Assistant Nutrition and Health Officers are using standard Monitoring checklist during a visit to health facilities.
  • Ensure that specific monitoring finding is reported to the NHSM with potential solutions
  • During supervision visit, identify gaps in supply sides and report to the NHSM.
  • Work with health workers to establish crowd control mechanisms in the health facilities/centers.
  • Provide guidance and support to health workers for putting in place facility-based screening, detection of acutely malnourished children.
  • Closely monitor and provide guidance to project officers for ensuring appropriate measurement techniques, medical diagnosis for defining their health status.
  • Closely monitor if health workers are following the appropriate protocol for antenatal care, delivery service, and postnatal care.
  • Closely monitor that appropriate treatment protocol is respected in the health facility for the management of childhood illnesses.
  • Ensure the provision of adequate information to the mother and caretakers on the prescribed doses and administering drugs at home.
  • Closely monitor if the appropriate protocol for micronutrient supplementation, identification of medical complications for pregnant mothers are maintained.
  • Ensure that referral of complicated pregnancies is made to the nearest higher center.
  • Monitor for appropriate documentation – IMCI treatment registers, individual child growth monitoring cards, ANC/PNC cards, and delivery registers.
  • Ensure that all children are properly examined and treated according to national protocols and standards.
  • Identify gaps for WASH in health facilities and inform the NHSM regularly.
Objective 3
  • Management Functions.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
  • Potential management functions (not limited to this list only) are:
    • Develop an LGA work plan with specific roles and responsibilities for each of the field staff.
    • Identify financial requirements, logistic needs, HR support about the work plan and inform the NHSM to prepare a budget forecast.
    • Review financial, logistical and HR needs on a monthly & quarterly basis and share with the NHSM.
    • Ensure that all health facilities/sites have adequate supplies to deliver uninterrupted health care services through identifying needs, informing the line manager regularly.
    • Support the NHSM in organizing LGA based coordination meeting;
    • Prepare individual monthly action plan about the work plan and share with the NHSM.
    • Participate in regular monthly planning meetings with nutrition and health teams led by the NHSM.
    • Maintain individual monitoring & supervision plan as well as for the supervisee.
    • Regularly follow up with the teams on the progress of activity, challenges and guide on necessary actions.
    • Facilitate quarterly review meetings/workshops with respective government health managers at State/LGA level.
    • Share training plans with identified needs to the NHSM well in advance to facilitate support from HR/Admin/Logistics.
    • Track Supervisee’s daily attendance and validate monthly attendance for the supervisee and submit it on a timely basis to HR.
    • Communicate with HR for the necessary staff meetings, performance review, appraisals, and leaves of the supervisee.
    • Liaise with HR to provide orientation on Action Against Hunger charter/core values/Child safeguarding policy/staff code of conduct etc.
    • Draft supply request and share with Deputy Nut & Health Manager every month.
    • Ensure the rational use of all medical equipment and stationaries in health facilities.
    • Maintain appropriate delivery note/In-kind donation report in close collaboration with Logistics teams.
Objective 4
  • Systematic capacity building of SMOH staff on health service delivery (IMCI, Ante Natal & Post Natal Care, Delivery services).
Tasks and Responsibilities:
  • Support the NHSM in facilitating and organizing technical training for health workers.
  • Organize training for Government nurses/midwives on integrated management of childhood illnesses and ANC/PNC and delivery service provision in close collaboration with the NHSM.
  • Support the SMoH facility staff on developing customized need specific guidance notes on IMCI, ANC/PNC, and delivery service for on job coaching on different modules based on national protocol.
  • Ensure use of predefined quality assessment checklist, on-job coaching guidance as well as support Assistant N/H Officers in using these tools.
  • Conduct technical on-job coaching of health workers during supportive supervision in health facilities.
  • Provide technical training and regular guidance to health workers on appropriate stock management and reporting (LMIS).
  • Provide technical training and regular guidance to health workers on disease surveillance reporting, DHIS2 reporting.
Objective 5
  • Information management, reporting, and coordination.  
Tasks and Responsibilities:
  • Maintain and update the database for health workers, community health workers/volunteers, training and share with line manager.
  • Prepare a consolidated tracking tool for supportive supervision visits/on-job coaching sessions and share with the line manager.
  • Update LGA work plans, individual work plans and share with line manager.
  • Use appropriate attendance sheet on-job coaching sessions, workshops/meetings, and training and share a copy with the line manager.
  • Use specific supervision checklist during supervision visits and archive filled supervision checklists with the summary reports – every month.
  • Fill the Health Evolution reports every month for the LGA and share it with the line manager for consolidation.
  • Support government health workers in preparing the integrated diseases surveillance report, monthly facility-based DHIS2 report.
  • Provide a summary analysis from the LGA report including:
    • Significant contextual changes that have an impact on nutrition & Health operations.
    • Bullet points on the progress of training, on-job coaching, and supportive supervision.
    • Feedback on the quality of service provision through monitoring visits (checklist to be used).
    • Key challenges and proposed solutions.
  • Collect consumption reports from health facilities, compile for LGA and share with line manager with needs for the upcoming month.
  • Regularly report and coordinate with line managers regarding challenges, issues faced in the field for timely and appropriate decision making.
  • Coordinate and collaborate with health State/LGA health offices, health workers for smooth implementation of the project activities and quality of service provision.
  • Organize monthly coordination meetings with health managers and workers.
  • Closely coordinate with the WASH team to ensure appropriate WASH facilities in the targeted sites.
  • Participate in LGA based monthly coordination meetings and support LGA teams on structuring LGA coordination mechanisms with health workers and partners.
  • Participate in meetings with other Action Against Hunger sectors or staff to discuss and document lessons learned.
  • Assist in the organization of project workshops, training, and seminars, including preparation of short reports.
Objective 6
  • Performance Management.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
  • Communicate Action Against Hunger performance standards and expectations to team members which includes; 10 minutes monthly conversation, 3 months/end of probation performance appraisal and annual/ end of contract appraisal.
  • Establish performance objectives, provide feedback, identify strengths and areas for professional improvement.
  • Contribute to the professional development and improvement of team members by providing support.
  • Liaise with line Manager and HR in case of issues raised by team members.
Position Requirements
  • Bachelor's degree / HND in Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Public Health or related roles
Skills & Experience:

  • Minimum of two (2) years’ experience in primary health care program.
  • An excellent report-writing skill is required including MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English and Hausa.
  • Good Communication and Interpersonal skills.
  • Team management experience with similar programs.
  • Ability to observe and to provide feedback on the activities.
  • Ability to manage staff according to local culture and organization policies.
  • Willingness and capacity to be flexible and accommodating when faced with difficult and frustrating working conditions.
  • Prepared to live and work in an uncertain security environment.
  • Commitment to and understanding of Action Against Hunger’s aims, values, and principles.
  • Ability to work as part of a team.
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to work under pressure to strict deadlines.
  • Ability to assess problems and recommend solutions.
Minimum Basic Salary
236,585 per month.
Application Closing Date
20th May, 2020.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:

Note: Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.

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