Monday, July 11, 2016

News: Youth employment on the way!

The Nasarawa State government has threatened to replace striking workers in the state with fresh graduates if they fail to return to work.
Civil servants in the state are currently on strike over non-payment of their salary.
The state Governor, Tanko Al-Makura, who made the threat on Saturday at the celebration of the 35th coronation anniversary of Aren Eggon, Dr Bala Angbazo, said his government will take stock of attendance of striking workers that return to work and invite applications from graduates in order to replace those still on strike.
Al-Makura, however, appealed to the workers to return to work, recalling that the state was among the first in the country to implement the N18,000 minimum wage in 2011.
“I want to appeal to the striking workers to go back to work as the decision by the state government to review their salary downward was a result of dwindling economy.
“It is also caused by the fall in the price of crude oil and declining allocation from the Federation Account.
“The state government will take stock of attendance of striking workers that return to work and invite applications from graduates in order to replace those still on strike,” the governor said.
He explained that the downward review of the workers’ salary was to accommodate other sectors of the economy as well as develop infrastructure in the state.

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