Friday, March 3, 2017

Associate Program Officer AT Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) Nigeria

Job description

Work with government at local and national level to design and implement agricultural transformation initiatives;
Work with private sector at local level to upgrade agricultural value chains and expand market opportunities for smallholder farmers;

Coordinate with other players to create synergies between AGRA funded programs and other agricultural initiatives;
Identify opportunities for collaboration with small, medium and large agribusinesses in the geography;
Assist the Program Officer to create road maps documenting the resources and constraints to agricultural transformation;
Assist in the identification of opportunities for investments via competitive grants;
Coordinate capacity building of grantees in data capturing, management and reporting;
Work closely with the Program Officer to jointly design and implement strategies for disseminating improved crop varieties.
Monitor, evaluate and supervise grantee activities;
Provide regular periodic reports as may be required;
Carry out administrative functions such as coordination of periodic audit, stakeholder forums etc.; and
Documenting and knowledge-sharing of the success stories, best practices and lessons

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