Tuesday, September 13, 2016


For more than 30 years, Médecins du Monde, a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most vulnerable populations at home and abroad. It has continued to highlight obstacles that exist in accessing health care and has secured sustainable improvements in health-for-all policies.
Those working for this independent organisation do not solely dispense care and treatment but condemn violations of human dignity and rights and fight to improve matters for populations living in precarious situations. MdM currently works in 44 countries across all continents where it focuses on 4 priority areas: caring for the health of migrants and displaced persons, promoting sexual and reproductive health, harm reduction associated with drug use, emergencies and crisis.

In Nigeria, violence in the northeast has caused massive displacement and at the same time restricted movement: it has disrupted food supplies, seriously hindered access to basic services, and limited agricultural activities. In seven years of conflict, over 20,000 people have been killed in Boko Haram-related incidents. The entire population of northeast Nigeria – 24.5 million people – is indirectly affected. People affected by violence in Adamawa, Borno, and Yobe, and neighbouring Bauchi, Taraba, and Gombe states are in urgent need of protection, shelter, food, and access to health services and education. Since February 2016, as humanitarian access is increasing, extreme food insecurity and malnutrition conditions have been revealed in Borno state.

As of 3rd August, 1.82 million people are estimated to be displaced within/from of Borno state, from which 1.63 million actually stayed within the state . Most of them (more than 1.2m) are living in Maiduguri with the host community and others in formal and informal camps.

MdM is starting an emergency response to this crisis, in the Borno state and is looking for experienced human resources to join its team on the field in the coming weeks.

Under the responsibility of the emergency unit manager, you will mainly work on short missions (1 to 4 months) in the field: exploratory missions, closure of projects, trainings. You will occasionally spend some time at headquarters to work on specific issues: development of tools, training preparation ect.

 In the field (80%) you will be responsible for:

1. Needs assessment and emergency project designing missions

- Participation in exploratory missions and in intervention strategy definition

- Operational participation in the emergency field missions (opening phase…)

2. Planification and coordination of emergency projects missions

- Implementation of projects in their finance, human resources, administrative and legal components

- Local coordination and team management

- Elaboration of the financial parts of proposals and reports for donors

3. Technical support for missions on the finance, human resources, administrative and legal aspects

- Support on punctual needs: donors audits; development of procedures; assessment of implementation of finance, HR, administrative MdM’s policies and procedures …

4. Training and mentoring missions

- Capacity building or monitoring of administrators or administrative coordinators on missions

- Specific trainings on procedures

In headquarters (20%), you will be responsible for:

- Capitalisation, formalisation of tools

- Participation in the writing of missions reports (finance, HR, administrative, legal components)

- Technical support for desk officers for the development of emergency projects

Indefinite-term contract
LONG TERM CONTRACT or SHORT TERM CONTRACT (depending on your profile and/or your availability)(French law)

Single posting

You have a proven and solid experience in administrative coordination on the field in NGO, in emergency contexts
You have an excellent command of accounting and budget management You have a demonstrated experience in team management
You have excellent computer skills, and a good knowledge of SAGA is an added value
You have a good written and spoken communication You have qualities of diplomacy, flexibility, organization and reactivity
You are able to work under pressure, live in tense security context and do not have problems to travel frequently  
Languages English and/or French fluent is mandatory Spanish or Arabic are an asset
You are committed to MdM’s values as an organisation and motivated by its non-statutory, NFP model.

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