Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Cash-Based Interventions Consultant, Nigeria Operation

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General Background
While the overall security situation in North-East Nigeria remains volatile, the operational context has significantly evolved in recent months with intensified military operations by the Government resulting in improvements to humanitarian access in Borno and Yobe states.
UNHCR has already carried out several protection assessments in newly liberated LGAs and begun to deliver interventions in Bama, Damboa, Dikwa and Monguno LGAs. Assessment data indicates that an additional 488,000 highly vulnerable individuals will require protection and assistance from UNHCR between now and December 2016. These trends are likely to continue into 2017.
In response, UNHCR is scaling up operations with an emphasis on; (a) reinforcing protection coordination through national and decentralized Protection Sector Working Groups (b) strengthening community-based protection through vulnerability screening, response and advocacy (c) improving camp coordination and camp management in newly liberated areas in partnership with existing stakeholders (d) increasing protection-sensitive assistance in the sectors of shelter and NFI, specifically through the provision of transitional shelter and distribution of essential household items (e) reducing recourse to negative coping strategies and stimulating livelihoods through cash-based interventions. In addition, UNHCR will continue to respond to the refugee dimension of the crisis in North-East Nigeria through the provision of protection, reception services and assistance to returning refugees currently estimated at 75,000.
Given the severity of the crisis in the North-East, UNHCR is currently providing assistance to IDPs, vulnerable individuals within host communities and returning refugees within camps and host communities based on vulnerability screening data. To date, assistance in all sectors of intervention have largely focused on the provision of in-kind assistance through direct or partner implementation. It should nevertheless be noted that other actors, specifically WFP, have undertaken feasibility studies and are in the process of rolling-out large-scale cash-based interventions in North-East with an emphasis on Borno and Yobe states.
UNHCR Nigeria would like to explore opportunities for initiating cash-based interventions in the sectors of shelter, NFI and livelihoods, as well as exploring the feasibility of multi-purpose cash grants for highly vulnerable households. In the medium-term, UNHCR Nigeria will be considering how to link emergency assistance to recovery and development and therefore the role MPGs could play in facilitating durable solutions for reintegration of returning refugees and IDPs could also be of interest.
As a result, Nigeria country operation is looking for a CBI expert to build the capacity of the office in assessing the feasibility and designing cash-based interventions with a view to guiding programme design and implementation in North-East Nigeria. The CBI expert will work closely with the sub office-office in Maiduguri, while coordinating closely with the Abuja Branch Office. Initial CBI assessments and capacity building will particularly focus on the North-East region, specifically Borno state where needs are greatest.
Scope of work and reporting structure
The CBI expert will build the capacity of the country office on institutionalizing CBIs with a particular focus on feasibility assessments, response analysis and programme design. The cash-based intervention expert will report to the Head of sub office, working closely with a CBI focal point and other members of a multi-functional team. In addition, the expert will coordinate with other stakeholders including Government and humanitarian actors well as the regional and HQ based CBI officers of UNHCR. The CBI expert will be based in Maiduguri and undertake regular missions to other field locations.
Specific objectives
Phase I
1. Identify a CBI focal point and form a multi-functional CBI team for Nigeria: With the expansion of CBIs in Nigeria and move towards direct implementation of activities it is important to ensure that the expert works closely with the relevant focal points from the Nigeria office. The multi-functional team (MFT) will consist of staff from various units, including but not limited to Management, Programme, Field, Supply, Protection, Finance/Admin and ICT.
2. Build the capacity of the office on institutionalizing CBIs: CBIs are new to the Nigeria operation and staff require training and capacity building to institutionalize CBIs in order to choose the most appropriate transfer modality to respond to continuous emergency responses. The CBI expert will identify existing skills and capacity gaps within the office and develop a CBI capacity building plan, working closely with members of the multi-functional team (MFT) as well as external stakeholders, where relevant. The CBI expert will develop and deliver a training module on CBI emergency preparedness focusing on building the capacity of protection, programme, finance and supply colleagues based in Maiduguri and other field locations as well as in Abudja.
3. Analyse the feasibility and available response options for potential CBIs covering Basic Needs (NFI, Shelter etc.), Livelihoods and support to vulnerable women and/or MPGs: UNHCR Nigeria is currently scaling up the operational response and considering the possibility of increasing the use of CBIs in the process. The CBI expert will assess the feasibility and cost-efficiency of replacing current in-kind assistance with cash-based interventions as well as the use of CBIs during the scaling up of support in the newly released areas of Borno and Yobe. In particular, the feasibility study will look into the following sectors:
Shelter: Shelter kits.
NFIs: Kitchen sets, mats and blankets, hygiene and dignity kits, solar lamps, mosquito nets and others.
Support to extremely vulnerable women.
MPGs in lieu of the above sectoral grants.
The feasibility study should include an assessment of the political feasibility, protection benefits and risks, delivery options and cost-efficiency. In particular, the CBI expert will look at areas where sectoral or multi-purpose cash grants (MPGs) will be appropriate.
Phase II
4. Support the design of a CBI intervention and develop SOPs: Based on the results of the feasibility study and possibilities for large-scale introduction of CBIs in Nigeria, the CBI expert will then support the office in designing the CBI intervention and develop standard operating procedures.
5. Integrate CBIs in contingency plans for Borno and Yobe States: If assessments reveal that CBIs can enhance effective and efficient emergency response, the CBI expert will work with the office to ensure CBIs are integrated in contingency plans for the Nigeria situation.
6. Draft a multi-year CBI operations strategy: Nigeria is currently facing a level 3 emergency and it is expected that support will if not grow, continue in 2018 and beyond. The CBI expert will guide the operation on identifying strategic linkages and synergies between CBIs and operational priorities and draft a corresponding multi-year CBI operations strategy.
Phase I
a) A capacity building work plan is established and relevant training for staff is carried out.
b) A CBI feasibility assessment is completed in two states, available response options are analyzed and recommendations are provided.
Phase II
c) Standard operating procedures are developed according to UNHCR guidelines and good practice established.
d) A multi-year CBI operations strategy is drafted and shared with management.
Qualification and Experience:
a. An advanced university degree in International Development, Social Sciences, and Business Administration or in any other related discipline.
b. A minimum 2 years of relevant professional experience, including at least 2 years related to cash-based interventions.
c. Proven knowledge and technical skills in the set-up, design, implementation and monitoring of cash based interventions from a multi-sectorial perspective.
d. Excellent knowledge of English is a requirement, while knowledge of French is an advantage.
e. Previous work experience with UNHCR and /or WFP is an advantage.
f. Prior work experience in West Africa is an advantage.
Terms of Reference
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Title: Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) Consultant, Nigeria Operation
Duty Station: Maiduguri, Nigeria
Sector/Unit: Cash-Based Interventions Section
Contract Type: Consultancy
Duration: 2 months (Phase I), with the possibility of 2 month extension (Phase II) dependent upon funding approval
To apply, please submit your CV and/or UN P11, along with a cover letter expressing your interest in the position, to by September 30th. Please include the position title (CBI Consultant, Nigeria Operation) in the subject line.
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Thank you for your interest.

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