Friday, September 30, 2016

IYCF CARE Group Training Facilitation Consultant AT Save the Children International

Save the Children International’s logo
Terms of Reference: Facilitation of CARE Group Training, Design, Implementation in WINNN and development of M&E Framework
Building on the recommendations from the revision of the Nutrition BCC strategy for Working to improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) conducted
in March 2016 and in line with recommendations from the DFID’s 2016 annual review recommendation on the need for the programme to increase the coverage of IYCF to 90% in all WINNN implementing states without introducing new activities ; the programme is seeking an international consultant to lead in the process of incorporating the Core Group IYCF Care group methodology into the existing Community-IYCF interventions.
The Care Group approach is a community-based IYCF strategy for promoting behaviour change. A CG is composed of 10-15 community-based volunteers that regularly meet together with project staff for training and supervision. A CG is different from typical mother’s groups i.e. IYCF support Group in that each Mother Leader is responsible for regularly meeting with 10-15 of her neighbours, sharing what she has learned and facilitating behaviour change at the household level.
The selected consultant will also be responsible for training Save the Children Nutrition technical team and selected Government personnel from the 5 WINNN implementing states as well as Federal agencies such as the FMOH, MB&BP,SMOH and NOIA on the Care Group methodology and supporting the roll out in the WINNN implementing states.
Project Background
Every single day, Nigeria loses about 2,300 under-five year olds and 145 women of childbearing age. This makes the country the second largest contributor to the under–five and maternal mortality rate in the world. Malnutrition is the underlying cause of morbidity and mortality of a large proportion of children under-5 in Nigeria. It accounts for more than 50 per cent of deaths of children in this age bracket.
Working to Improve Nutrition in Northern Nigeria (WINNN) is a 6-year project funded by DFID, which started in September 2011. The overall objective of the project is to reduce mortality through decreasing the incidence and prevalence of under nutrition in Nigeria with focus on Jigawa, Katsina, Kebbi, Yobe and Zamfara States. The programme is implemented by a partnership that includes UNICEF, Save the Children and Action against Hunger (ACF).
The overall object of the WINNN programme is to build the capacity of the state and LGAs to implement nutrition interventions as routine services through existing PHC structures and to use evidence-based advocacy to improve political commitment to and government funding for nutrition interventions.
WINNN aims to improve maternal and child nutrition in Northern Nigerian through support to primary health care service providers for the implementation nutrition interventions as routine services through existing PHC structures, funded by the Government of Nigeria. Behaviour change communication (BCC), outreach and counselling are key activities for the project under the IYCF output.
WINNN’s IYCF intervention promotes early initiation and exclusive breastfeeding for new-borns and infants, continued breastfeeding for at least 2 years and optimal complementary feeding practices for young children. It targets the first 1,000 days, from conception to two years of age, which provides a window of opportunity to prevent child deaths and ensure healthy growth and brain development.
The Care Group methodology is being incorporated primarily into the WINNN C-IYCF intervention to strengthen the link between CMAM and IYCF in ensuring that successfully treated and discharged cases of SAM does not relapsed by linking them up with a support group that is within their vicinity and proving follow up home visit. The care groups also create a multiplying effect and ensure an equitable reach; every beneficiary household through neighbour to neighbour peer support using interpersonal behaviour change activities. Behaviour change which is central to the approach is enhanced through peer support, resulting in the creation of new community norms. Care Group Mother Leaders (CGML) provide greater peer support to one another, develop stronger commitments to health activities and find more creative solutions to challenges by working as a group compared to individual volunteers expected to work independently.
In addition, CGs provide the structure for a community health information system that reports on new pregnancies, births, and deaths detected in home visits; and they detect risk factors in mothers, children and infants that need immediate referral and medical response. CGs are an integral part of the community and interact with the local health system and community leadership to elicit and coordinate their support to improve health and nutrition in the community.
It is therefore proposed that a consultant be engaged to facilitate the care group training and lead on the implementation in the 5 implementing Northern Nigerian states serving as technical backstop to the Deputy National Programme Manager –WINNN and the SCI Senior Nutrition Adviser.
Specific objectives include:
Objective 1: Facilitate a Care Group TOT training for the Nutrition Team (Technical) to include the following amongst others;
The efficacy and advantages of the CG approach Design and implement Care Groups according to established criteria Integrate behaviour change strategies into the CG approach Utilize registers, tools for tracking and monitoring the impact of CG Calculate coverage for 100% of WRA/ PLWCU2 household within implementation sites How to use supportive supervision and methods Utilizing barrier analysis to inform the CG approach Objective 2: Facilitate Field CG Practicums for trainees in two community sites in two states that includes but not limited to:
community sensitization and mapping CG formation with essential structure utilization of a participatory approach for CG training of Promoters and Mother Leaders (using the “Women’s Nutrition Module”) facilitation of a neighbourhood home visit utilizing negotiation skills for behaviour change - utilization of the CG register and supportive supervision tools Objective 3 - Facilitate a workshop with Nutrition to plan the training cascade in states for promoters and mother leaders, adapt formation of CG in WINNN sites in line with current IYCF Support groupings
Objective 4 – Develop or modify existing CG modules fit for programme purpose and development a comprehensive monitoring and revelation tools/framework (baseline and impact assessments).
Submit an workplan in line with the 5 objectives above Literature review of current IYCF support Group practices in the states and revision to key strategy documents for knowledge sharing : IYCF project documents and past survey/studies (including KAP surveys, ORIE Studies, UNICEF reports) conducted in the 5 implementing states from WINNN , SPRING, CDGP and other IYCF rapid assessment, formative research, baseline study related to the context. Revision and Standardization of C-IYCF and Care Group SOPs for replication/ lesson learning for future programmes Development of Care group IEC materials for the following target groups Pregnant women and Lactating women Mothers of children 6 – 24 months First time mothers Adolescents Mothers Grandmothers & Mothers-in-law Fathers, Traditional, religious and community leaders Facilitation of Care Group Training Lead the rollout in 2 communities in 2 states as pilots for the Nutrition team Development of M&E framework for monitoring and documentation of lessons learnt from the care group pilot in WINNN. Consultancy Deliverables
Approved workplan submitted within 3 day of signed contract Report of desk review with recommendations for future nutrition programme Revised Care Group and C-IYCF SOPs Care Group TOT Manual and general training manual for Promoters/Mother Leaders Report of rollout in the selected 2 communities Final report of consultancy Person’s Specification
Health professional with over 15 years of experience in international health facility and community-based program management, capacity building, and service delivery, recently transitioned to consultant status with Technical expertise in reproductive, maternal, new-born, adolescent, early child development/child health, nutrition, and family planning. Extensive experience with community mobilization for improved maternal, newborn, adolescent, and child health and nutrition (RMNCHN) and multi-sector leadership to advance strategies and best practices, and promotion of global strategies and innovative initiatives. Knowledge of the CORE Group IYCF Care Group methodology is essential. Significant experience working with donor agencies such as DFID, EU and USAID Technical Supervision and Approval
Technical supervision for this work will be provided by the Deputy National Programme Manager WINNN. They will approve the deliverables and any questions or queries should be directed to her.
Estimated timeframe
Minimum of 30 days depending on proposed methodology and workplan
Proposal Instructions and Deadline
Responses to this Request for proposal should be submitted by email to SCI office to the attention of HR Manager no later than 30th September, 2016 at 5 p.m. (Nigerian time). Offers received after this date and time will not be accepted for consideration. SCI will acknowledge receipt of your proposal by email. Proposals must be submitted in electronic format.
Please note that no telephone inquiries will be answered.
In order to be considered, Proposals must include the following:
Capability Statement – not to exceed three pages, indicating past experience in leading on similar strategy document development Samples of consultancies and strategies developed Client list References – names, company or organization, contact information – of three recent (within the past 2 years) companies that you have consulted for in this capacity Budget – detailed budget for the above scope(s) of work (broken down into labour cost or personnel costs with an explanation of how the unit costs was reached, detailed travel costs, and other direct costs). Budget must be submitted using the template that is provided. Unit costs, number of units and unit description must be provided. Please also indicate any overhead fees if applicable. Please provide breakdown of costs included in the overhead charges. Budget must be in Naira. Technical Scores – 80 points max
Understanding and experience of the tasks outlined in ToR; methodology/approach, realistic timeline, details of actions – 20 points Institutional experience in Northern Nigeria or similar context – 20 points Lead consultants experience and CV – 40 points Financial Scores – 20 points max
Following completion of the technical review, the Selection Committee will evaluate relevant cost proposals. Committee will take into consideration clarity and accuracy of budget presentation, details of the budget and budget notes, and cost effectiveness.

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